dijous, 14 de juliol del 2011



This project is for the second cicle of primary, the 3rd and 4th level. There are four types of activities which work the basic four skills of the learning of the English language. There is a listenging, a writing, a speaking and a reading activity. To be able to do this session it's necessary to go to the computers classroom.


-To work the four basic language skills, listening, reading, writing and speaking.
-To learn new vocabulary.
-To practise the description and remember the clothes vocabulary.
-To revise the times and routines.


Present simple
Description structures


- "Competència comunicativa lingüística i audiovisual"
- "Competència d'autonomia i iniciativa personal"
- "Competència de tractament de la informació i competència digital"


To be able to do this session the class group is going to work in diferent ways. To do the speaking activity they're going to work in pairs. To do the reading activity, they're going to read alone and answer the questions alone as well. In order to do the writing activity they're going to be alone too but to do the listening they're going to listen to the story altogether with the projector and answer the questions in pairs.

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